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RainForest: The Limit of Splendour -April 11, 2012

  Filmmaker Richard Boyce embarks upon a notably heartfelt and thought-provoking journey contrasting the tree farms that dominate the landscape surrounding his home with the ancient rainforest on Vancouver Island.  “RainForest” recently won the Best Mountain Culture Film Award at the Whistler Film Festival 2011. The jury praised the film for “re-exposing our most critical […]

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Peace Out (2011) – Feb. 8, 2012

Feb. 8th is the Awareness Film Night screening of “Peace Out”, a beautifully put together and dynamic film that explores the plans afoot for energy extraction in the vast Peace River region of B.C., including a mega dam, tens of thousands of hydro-fracked shale gas wells and a nuclear power plant. The screening will be […]

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2012: Time For Change – Jan.11, 2012

“2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As […]

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Vanishing of the Bees – Nov.10, 2010

Hi moviegoers………….here are the details of the upcoming November Awareness Film Night Imagine half a million adults skipping town and leaving their children behind. Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across this planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Not only do bees abandon their hive, but the queen and brood as well. Unnatural. Unheard of. Even […]

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Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez – Oct. 13- 2010

This Wednesday, October 13th Awareness Film Night kicks off its 17th season with the film “Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez”. Twenty years later the environmental, economic and social devastation persists, reminding us that as yet no safe effective technology exists for cleaning up oil spills and that the oil industry is wont […]

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Farmed Salmon Exposed: The Global Reach of the Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry – April 14, 2010

ALSO: Aquaculture Revolution (Science vs. Salmon Farming) Our coastal salmon is at risk for more than sea lice infestations. The 3 Norwegian companies that own 90% of B.C. salmon farms have unleashed a deadly virus that has decimated the industry in Chile, is currently hitting Scotland and looms as a threat to wild salmon in […]

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The Age of Stupid – Feb. 17, 2010

AFN & Juan De Fuca Cycling Coalition team up to bring you “Age of Stupid” The Age of Stupid stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite (In The Name of the Father, The Usual Suspects, Brassed Off) as a man living in the devastated future world of 2055, looking back at old footage from our time and asking: […]


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Homo Toxicus – Oct.21, 2009

Awareness Film Night will kick off its 16th season on October 21 with the film “Homo Toxicus”. Every day tons of chemicals are released into the environment without anyone ever knowing how toxic they are in the long term to living organisms. In a hard-hitting investigation carried out with intelligence and humour, Canadian director Carole […]


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Escape From Suburbia – Beyond the American Dream – Nov. 19, 2008

Hi moviegoers……Weds. Nov. 19th is the next Awareness Film Night. We will be showing the 2007 film “Escape From Suburbia – Beyond the American Dream”. A sequel to the 2004 film “The End of Suburbia”, this film examines, through personal stories and interviews, how peak oil and climate change have already begun to affect modern […]

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A Really Inconvenient Truth – March 12, 2008

In 2006, Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” woke the world up to the dangers of global warming. But, argues Joel Kovel, while we should be grateful to Gore for sounding the alarm, we also need to go far beyond his reading of the causes of this crisis and of what needs to be done about […]


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