Season Finale: Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World May 11, 2016
B.C. filmmaker Charles Wilkinson’s (“Peace Out”; “Oil Sands Karaoke”) award-winning 2015 documentary is set on pristine Haida Gwaii. It shows how the distinct world view of the 14,000 year old indigenous society is co-mingling with an influx of progressive, modern urbanites to create a sustainable world that well may survive the formidable challenges of the 21st century.
From a woman who constructs solar power installations to people doing sustainable logging and farming and traditional fishing to legendary resolute Haida warriors, all of the remarkable people in this film are determined to keep their island home the beautiful paradise that it is. Haida Hereditary Chief Allan Wilson observes: “People from other countries are coming here to see what we’re doing….how do you fight your government and corporations over this land? How do you fight over the water? How come your Nation is so small and yet you’re able to do all of these things?”
Gorgeous footage and cogent tales of practical living and activism make “Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World” an inspiring and hopeful film.