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Vanishing of the Bees – Nov.10, 2010

Hi moviegoers………….here are the details of the upcoming November Awareness Film Night

Imagine half a million adults skipping town and leaving their children behind. Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across this planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Not only do bees abandon their hive, but the queen and brood as well. Unnatural. Unheard of. Even the predators that usually raid the hive for honey stay far away. On November 10, Awareness Film Night will present the documentary “Vanishing of the Bees”. The screening will be followed with a discussion and information session with master beekeeper Bob Liptrot of Tugwell Creek Honey Farm and Meadery.

For the past 5 million years this furry insect has been a creature of special sanctity. Prehistoric petroglyphs depict women on honey hunts and ancient Egyptians farmers floated beehives on rafts down the Nile to pollinate crops. Today commercial honeybee operations pollinate crops that make up one out of every 3 bites of food on our tables. “Colony Collapse Disorder” has brought beekeepers, and, potentially, our very food supply, to a crisis. Filming across the U.S., Europe, Australia and Asia, “Vanishing of the Bees” unfolds as a tale of science and mystery, illuminating this extraordinary crisis and its greater meaning about the relationship between humankind and mother earth. Do we need to rethink our ways of living and of beekeeping? This film provides viewers with tangible solutions they can apply to their everyday lives.

Following the screening, moviegoers will have the opportunity to learn more about what is taking place in hives on Vancouver Island and specifically in Sooke and what we can do to help save our honeybees.  Local beekeeper Bob Liptrot has more than 30 years of beekeeping experience, has a Masters Degree in Apicultural Sciences and teaches courses in beekeeping. His fascinating wealth of information on bees, their delight and their plight, is not to be missed.  “Vanishing of the Bees” will not be in the Awareness Film Night film library, as we only have it on loan for the screening. Showtime is at 7 p.m. at the Edward Milne Community School theatre. Admission is by donation.


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