You are here: Home > 2019 > “The Need to GROW” Virtual Screening

“The Need to GROW” Virtual Screening

You are all invited to Awareness Film Night’s virtual screening of “The Need To GROW”, the film that was slated to be screened for April’s Farm and Film Gala.

This is a great and timely film, not to be missed, about growing our own food, about innovative, inspiring new farming practices that don’t harm the ecosystem, about overcoming adversity and the demolishing of one’s dreams, about perseverance and about the need to grow in more ways than just growing food.

Since we were unable to screen the film due to The Need To Isolate during Covid Times, Rob Herring, the filmmaker has agreed that we can substitute, for our screening fees, making this film available for free viewing on-line for 4 days for Awareness Film Night moviegoers.

Here is the link for watching this film: THIS LINK WILL BE GOOD FOR 4 DAYS FROM THE MOMENT YOU SIGN IN.

Post screening “discussion” is invited on the AFN facebook page:

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